Will my child fall behind in school due to covid-19?

Will my child fall behind in school due to covid-19? - Lipschule

No. At LIPSCHULE, distance learning is not only a trending term, but a concept that really works.

The demand for digitalization in our schools did not only begin since the outbreak of the Corona-pandemic. The LIPSCHULE Zürich has been dealing with this topic for years. Besides pen and exercise books, our students have the opportunity to use their own tablets. When it comes to distance learning, we are at the top of our game: during the lockdown it became clear that our teachers can also provide interesting and exciting lessons from a distance.

Looking back: On March 16th, 2020, the Federal Council declared the extraordinary situation. Schools were ordered to close and quickly for that matter. It’s a good thing we had a solid and a high-performance IT infrastructure at hand! Additionally, we implemented the following:

–       The students received a detailed timetable, in which they were able to use their iPad to work on their assignments. On top of that, they had to hand in the assignment on time.

–       They were given specific tasks and detailed inputs from their teachers. Additionally, they had a personal exchange with their learning coach every day.

–       Mothers, fathers and siblings, whom sometimes burst into the virtual classroom were politely advised the disturbance is undesirable.

Since returning to school after the lockdown we have kept some of these points.  The students continue to receive their assignments both at school and through MS Teams or in our internal website. After all, there can always be reasons that make virtual participation in the class necessary. For example; an illness, intensive sport training or one needs to quarantine. For the affected children, distance learning can be a good alternative to the regular school operations, in which they don’t fall behind in class and can continue to participate in normal life once returning.        

Are you interested in sending your child to a future-orientated educational institute? Call us on +41 44 480 08 80 or write to us via lip@lipschule.ch – we look forward to hearing from you!


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