Small market to learn about money

Over the last couple of weeks, the 1st and 2nd graders have been learning about money. To help us practice using money, we decided to have a small market in our classroom. The 1st and 2nd graders made and drew things to sell to their classmates at the market, while the 3rd graders sold lemonade and cake. In order to make the market more authentic, the children brought in real money from home (which they got back in the end). Although the market was initially designed to practice using money to buy things and giving/getting change, we learned about a lot more. For example, many children learned about money management. With only 5 francs to spend, they had to decide how they were going to spend their money wisely. They also learned a little bit about pricing. They had to find the balance between making their merchandise affordable for others while still earning enough money for their store. All in all, we had a lot of fun and learned a lot along the way.


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